Triptych, 1987. Man and Beast, Francis Bacon

Bullfighting Triptych, Francis Bacon
Figure 2. Lineros, C (2022) Triptych 2, 1987 [Photograph]

The first and only triptych he painted on the subject of bullfighting where the wounds of fragmented human bodies and a bloodied horns of a bull are shown on sky blue curtains such a theatrical performance emulating the battle field. The background orange, a transformation of the red color traditionally present and associated with bullfighting to mask bold stains, represents the boundary of the ring and a brown grey the arena. Brutal, bloody and controversial, the sensations and feelings conveyed by BaconĀ“s bullfighting paintings.

As painter Jenny Saville said: “Humans have a deep awareness that the only certainty in life is death . We have thirsty for violence ns to witness violence” and Bacon gives us that catharsis.

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